- 金錢
- 278
- 威望
- 5281
- 貢獻值
- 1666
- 推廣值
- 0
- 在線時間
- 1351 小時
- 最後登錄
- 2023-10-30
- 主題
- 1664
- 精華
- 0
- 閱讀權限
- 90
- 註冊時間
- 2011-9-21
- 帖子
- 1812
TA的每日心情 | 開心 2023-10-30 21:21 |
簽到天數: 1188 天 [LV.10]以壇為家III - 推廣值
- 0
- 貢獻值
- 1666
- 金錢
- 278
- 威望
- 5281
- 主題
- 1664
' m* c" D7 N# Z- N+ H& k
【影片片名】:X级剧情片~天蝎座符号 [中文字幕] 5 Q W5 N |7 ~2 X" s8 F5 c0 a; {
【影片译名】:Agent 69 Jensen - I Skorpionens Tegn (1977)
4 m! `" }2 s% j- {4 j. i/ i5 P【影片又名】:天蝎行动 / Skorpionens Tegn.
- ` @( s4 K1 ^. j9 ^【平均评价】:★★★★★☆→ 5.2 颗星.
$ Y4 g7 @& m, \# _3 x$ t- a/ m【影片大小】:866 MB + e+ w1 t) a1 V) j* M: n7 t2 c
, h; R4 n: n' o1 X# I【影片格式】:WMV
+ R) ^ x8 \+ K l) D4 z$ _【影片尺度】:无码
+ Q, q% U6 k# I3 v2 l【视频尺寸】:720X390
! s. r5 w8 p" D2 w【影片演员】:Ole Soltoft. Poul Bundgaard, Anna Bergman, Karl Stegger, Judy Gringer Else Petersen. Soren Stromberg. Gina Janssen. Bent Warburg. Birger Jensen. Bent Rohweder. Arthur Jensen. Kate Mundt. Hans Jorgen Jacobsen. Adam Schmedes. 4 h s t. a' v- \
【档案数目】:1个WMV+12个图片群 (种子内有图)
: r9 A3 b: ~+ C4 ^/ X+ l6 d【语种发音】:丹麦语对白. 简体中文字幕. 1 p2 [9 Z: E# ]; G: h# w
【影片内容】:时装. 成人. 剧情. 搞笑. 喜剧. 性爱. 激情. 三点全露. 等./ X" n5 E3 @' N/ ?' M
【影片片商】:Happy Film . 製作.
4 k% o, `- D1 }【内容附註】:※片内不加入自己ID, 亦不植入窃佔为己有的炫耀水印字语.
9 ?& E) R/ j& I4 |【回覆附註】:※不喜此类型者请自律, 请勿回覆损人不利己的无聊言词!! 6 f+ m" q1 K! k
0 l) B' F8 c, s% j f7 G! X【种子製作日】:2012-01-19
3 K: g+ p$ J7 d; o y【种子期限】:完30种後5天内不定期补种 (3週後删档)
D" n! ^& z5 d7 i5 M5 H4 Z8 n) D1 I9 e+ ]
【影片资料】: 2 c7 F2 Y7 a" G6 r D* T
; `! r8 M& W4 z3 N4 \' d. k [剧情简介]: 主角Ole Soltoft就是影片中的69号特工Jensen,他被指派运送一卷,藏有一名德国科学家Neubau教授(教授试图用一种物质来取代石油)生前发明资料的缩微胶片,有国外的情报机构想得到这捲缩微胶片,各大情报机构几乎使出了混身的解数,不惜使用武力和美女肉体试图得到它,影片中有我们所熟悉的Gina Janssen、性感漂亮的Anne Magle参与其中,喜剧环生的表现方式更容易使我们进入剧情~这就是导演伟 大之处!看点:女特工在找胶片的时候,没想到房间主人进来了,她为了掩盖真实目的,撅起屁股假装打扫卫生,房间主人顺便…… ! n' [8 C9 _; y- O/ s( L
! Z- u' j' C+ }! w9 r 《天蝎座符号》跟《金牛座符号》一样,同属於上世纪七十年代丹麦出产的SEX喜剧系列,并且在剧情、表演、人物塑造以及尺度等方面都全面凌驾於《金牛座符号》之上,其完整而又复杂的故事完全可以媲美正规的主流电影,而其中的激情戏又不逊色於同时代的AV,这是丹麦影人送给观众们的礼物。在这些极度有才的导演们的指挥下,那些成人影星一个个都变得很会演戏,而且做得相当自然,令人感动不已,其剧本的编写也颇具功力,很多构思都挺巧妙,观赏途中我常常忘记自己正在看的其实还是一部X级别的片子。
1 H2 g2 [& f3 j3 f# f7 r+ P9 n! t
丹麦成人喜剧导演Werner Hedman维尔纳.赫德曼维尔纳,也许和其他导演有类似的经歷,曾经干过很多的行,比如演员,摄影师,摄影指导,助理导演,导演,作家(编剧),编辑,助理製片,製片人...
% S& ?, K% |2 ^" m7 i3 `) u. G2 b: e) ~7 ~5 W7 R
他导演过的成人喜剧电影当中,最有名的就属星座系列,共有5片,分别为 (双子座符号)(天蝎座符号)(狮子座符号)(人马座符号)(金牛座符号)。※ 每日清晨发放1片, 5日全部发完 ※% r3 h& S% i7 x
8 }' O2 B( O: p& _" n2 H【Storyline】:4 J1 ~& A, e# {+ e7 L' ?
) ?; m$ I9 A5 T7 m. I2 @ I skorpionens tegn! I never forgot the Danish title of this great erotic movie that I first saw in a cinema in Holland, the country where I grew up.
) r& t& ~- r1 L# a
1 _; z& H) z/ G3 \' s It is a film in James Bond style. In common with the Bond films it has the humor throughout the film although this is more towards slapstick. It also has love scenes but unlike the Bond films it shows all the juicy details. Nevertheless it's a real nice film, far better than the majority of porn films, it's good for a laugh and it's been filmed beautifully with spectacular dance-scenes and some nice classical music.* G' V, Z) M8 Q' \
# `0 j g: y/ D& r It tells about a microfilm that gets lost and eastern as well as western and Danish secret services are after it. Literally everything is done to obtain it again. Anna Bergman, a beautiful young woman, is a joy to watch. When you read this review you will understand why I liked it so much.# H+ O8 b* g# f2 c% a, B# D
9 K2 j Z9 F" S8 r" W; q, a' Y
This film is an absolute must, especially compared to the majority of porn movies which are not romantic, drenched with the naked facts, while they lack a storyline! Compared to those this film is a relieve.
" a3 f# v5 Q/ B9 d4 X N7 a/ Q3 d7 A2 ^
I was really delighted when - years later - I could get hold of this film (Scorpio Stings)on VHS, together with 3 others from the series featuring the other horoscope signs Taurus, Leo and Sagittarius.' c6 |9 }+ E$ h9 J& ~
( t2 z4 L6 b( [ Try to get one and enjoy. I watched the films from this series over and over...
1 y3 y: y+ z. c6 g* T7 k! v
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1 r. n) W; r$ ^( h# h0 }% s4 l& A' y$ g- |
( ^/ b# O+ Z! \+ p
* e% _9 k8 N- M8 @: I8 P8 y1 K* b8 ^7 c% r
2 d5 _, _* U" c- J" ` P1 E, Q C' v
* ]3 F v3 E; Z6 t) O% F/ ^; h; y
6 N5 P% ]5 z/ b# ^: @4 f# N" \
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3 a+ J+ a J3 l
" C9 K" l5 o: k& K! G& @6 w' f" z# i1 K
" T4 _% b0 Y8 e& m- ^* \4 ]5 t
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1 x3 s) Z2 C4 g3 [